Utilize Nested Foreach Loop in SSIS to Extract Metadata

If we are going to collect metadata about tabular model, the most straightforward way is to use the Dynamic Management Views ( DMV ) to query the model in DAX or MDX query window. Notice here DMV is not department of motor vehicle :).

This link has a good collection of DMV, but there are some queries not working which might need a bit of tweaking. If you are familiar with SQL, it should not be a difficult task.


What if I tell you, the requirement needs to get all model/cube’s metadata instead of one in that particular server?

There are two ways you can do it.

  1. First running the following dmv to get the list of model into object variable. Then in a foreach loop to loop through each model to get metadata.
    select [CATALOG_NAME] from $system.dbschema_catalogs

  2. More elegant way is to take use of built-in loop. There is a rarely used loop type in foreach loop, SSIS Foreach ADO.NET Schema Rowset Enumerator. You can loop through object of sql server such as view, table, catalog et al. The following link has an intro.


What if there are multiple servers, we want to get all models’ metadata in each server. Can I still do foreach loop? Think about add another loop outside? Outer loop goes through one server at a time, inner loop goes through the model on that particular server (second method above). But the key is how to dynamically pass the connection between different loops. I am not sure if this will work, but I gave a try. Luckily, I made it work.

Let me show you the key setting

This is overall component of package. The first two task is used to save old data and truncate table to be ready for new data. The third execute sql task is use to get a list of server info. You can put all your server into a table so that you can add or remove as needed. The nested ForEach loop is to extract data

  • Let us take a look at the 3rd task setting. Here I got a list of server info and saved into an object variable. Notice full result set will be saved

Detailed query info to get three pieces of info, servername, serverid, initial cube/model name

Save result to an object variable

  • Outer Foreach loop setting (this loop is used to loop through server list, provide server and inital database info to inner loop )

This loop use the object variable. Enumerator is Foreach ADO Enumerator. it take a row in the object variable at a time.

One row in object variable contains 3 pieces of info. These info are mapping to three variables. Please note: here serverid is not necessary. It is only for my record in data flow. You just need servername and model name to dynamically create connection.

  • Inner Foreach loop setting
    This loop takes the servername and initial model name from outside loop, start loop through all models in a particular server Notice the enumerator is ADO.NET Schema Rowset Enumerator Here we need to specify the connection used. I like to first create it hard code and then in the expression, I change the servername and catalog name to variable (I will show connection setting shortly)

The first tab gave you initial start setting. Then it starts looping through each model on that server. The current model name is passed to the variable in the following setting. You will use this variable to create OLE DB connection which will be used in data flow inside inner loop. Please note: the variable name is still same, which a bit weird to me. I tried to use different variable, the project crashes whenever you close the project and reopen. So keep the same variable name, it does the job just fine.

  • Connection For this ETL process, I just need 3 connections. The bidoc connection is used as data destination.

The SSAS_ADO_Atlantis is created while I set up the inner loop manually. Then I open the property of this connection and set the connection string expression as follows. This connection is specific for the ADO.NET Schema Rowset Enumerator. Not visible when you use OLEDB source in data flow task.

The SSAS_OLE_Atlantis is create while I build data flow. Use SSAS data provider. Set up manually then replace the connection string with variable. The expression seems identical to previous connection.

I will not going into data flow. Basically, they are bunch of DMV extraction. That is not focus of this post.

In summary, Nested foreach loop is possible and variable passing between loops are successful.

I hope this post is helpful for you.

Happy Chinese New Year.


Written on February 5, 2020